I think it’s safe to say throughout all of our lives we are given challenges and unbelievable obstacles to overcome.  The major difference is how you choose to handle and overcome them.  I have been dealt some pretty tough things and there are so many times where I have fallen to my knees and just shook my hands to the sky asking the infinite question, “WHY?!?!”  I won’t go into every detail that has brought me here to this very day, but I will share with you two major obstacles that I have chosen to accept and work through:


Almost 3 years ago, I had my thyroid removed (no my scar on my neck is not from a fight with another mom in the carpool lane) and it was rough.  Prior to my surgery, I had gained almost 30 pounds within about 2 months and had absolutely no energy. It was probably my lowest point, physically and mentally, and I didn’t know where to even start.  I had a very rough year after surgery trying to get stable with my medication and getting over the fact that I would never by “normal” again.  With research and self-advocacy, I started a new medication and began to feel good again. I may have to take medication for the rest of my life, but at least now I know it’s manageable.

Then another blow…my marriage.  It was a day I will never forget for as long as I live.  I completely fell into a black hole and I was at the lowest I had ever been in my entire life.  My life as I had knew it was gone.

When I first walked into Groove, I was a broken, confused and sad person.  I knew I had to do something to help me get out of the black hole I was in.  I went into the back corner, furthest away from everyone, and just danced. I left that day with a feeling of accomplishment, love, determination and fierceness. From that day forward, my life was never the same. I went back to Groove every chance I could.  When I had to miss a day, I was counting down when I could go next.  Since starting Groove nine months ago, I have lost 35 pounds and I am in the best shape I have ever been in. I have a new outlook on life and I know I am going to be ok. I’m not going to lie, it has not been an easy road and there were many times I wanted to throw in the towel and give up, but I decided to push though and make my life what I want it to be.


I have Ashleigh, Tricia, and all the women who come and bring their amazing energy to the room to thank for my transformation. They are exactly what I need and I can now look forward with a sense of empowerment to live this life to the best of my ability and be the best Mama to my two wonderful kiddos.

And I now leave a little sparkle where ever I go, because you never know who might need it at that very moment.

– Heather L.