Paula’s Story:
I like many have struggled with my weight most of my life. At my biggest I was probably pretty close to 300 lbs. 2014 was the year I decided to make a change. I lost my mom to lung cancer and my husband and I separated shortly after. I decided that I was going to take negatives and make something positive out of it. I realized how unhappy I had been and how I had used food to comfort myself but also used my heritage and where I grew up as am excuse to cook and eat the way I was.
So I changed what I was eating and started walking 3.5 miles a day and eventually moved to 7 a day.
Weight starts coming off and I’m feeling good.
Now fast forward to 2017. We’ve moved to Colorado and I have to have a hysterectomy and find out now my dream of being a mom is gone. So the weight starts creeping back and I don’t even notice.
Fast forward again to May 2019. I joined Vasa in Greeley and started to play around there. I had creeped back up to 200+ pounds but was determined to work it off. I gifted myself a trainer in August and that was the first time I stepped on a scale in years and I was 179.
So I know I had creeped back past 200 but that was okay because I’m addicted to the gym now and focused and decided I’m NOT going back to where I was. Because that girl wasn’t only unhealthy she was unhappy.
So January 2020 I decide to try this new class Reb3l. I had started to do other dance fitness classes and fell in love. I went from hiding in the back to getting on stage. So why not try this new class.
I LOVED IT! I was so hype when I left the class. There just happened to be 2 instructors visiting and they were the sweetest.
I fell in love with my instructor Holly Stephens and with this format. I tried strength the next week and loved it as well.
When I started Reb3l strength was when I started to see a different transformation of my arms and body that I love.
I felt strong! I knew this was something I wanted to be a bigger part of and started to think about teaching.
So here we are in Covid times. Im lost without the gym but here comes Reb3l with the SOS challenge. It has been my lifesaver during this time. The support I’ve gotten from this group is priceless.
Reb3l has helped me become even more comfortable in my skin and with who I am. Reb3l has taught me it’s okay to struggle. Just get back up and lean on those around you. Reb3l has shown me I’m even stronger than I knew.
I had discovered myself in the gym but Reb3l has made me not only find myself or push myself physically it has pushed me emotionally,and mentally.
Reb3l saved me during Covid and I thank you for that!
I can’t wait to teach and hopefully fill others up the way I’ve been filled.