I have been a bigger girl most of my life. I was allergic to exercise for many years, absolutely hated physical activity. I didn’t grow up with it being made a priority. When I was in my late 20’s, my mother gave me a gym membership as a gift for something or other, and I decided this time that I would actually use it.
I was the largest I had ever been in my life, right around 220, and I was done with it. Over the next few years, I worked out with this or that workout plan and managed to lose about 75 lbs. I kept it off too, for years, even managed to get back down to pre-baby weight after having my son, but over the past 5 or so years, a lot of that weight has crept back on. I never really stopped exercising, but I have had a very difficult time getting the weight off.
I have always loved to dance and did take advantage of dance fitness classes at my local gym. Then in February of 2018, I saw an acquaintance post a before and after pic, having had no idea he had ever struggled with his weight. I reached out to him to ask what he was doing, and he invited me to come check out a REB3L Groove class, and I was hooked from the second the music started. I felt uncoordinated and goofy and I absolutely loved every second of it. Fast forward to today, that acquaintance is one of my best friends and over the summer I became a certified REB3L Groove instructor.
If anyone had told me when I came to that first class that I would be leading classes I would have laughed in their face, but here I am. Teaching and helping come up with modifications that allow people with physical limitations to get a fantastic workout and not just have to march in place. I also love to help embody the fact that REB3L is for everyone! You do not have to be a size 2 to take this class, you do not have to be a size 2 to lead this format, it is truly for anyone and everyone! I also absolutely love the fact that if I can’t make it to a live class to work out, I can access the online program. It’s great when traveling, or just for those times when life gets in the way.
I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention what I fell is love with is one of the best things about REB3L on the whole, the community. If you have read the other blog posts, I am sure you have seen this mentioned over and over again, and with good reason, the REB3L community is absolutely amazing. They are some of the most loving, accepting, and supportive people I have ever met. I call them dance fam for a reason, we are just that, family. Thank you to Ashleigh, Tricia, and Angela for creating a format that brings so many amazing people together!